Brasilia time zone | Paris time zone | Monday 29/06 | Wednesday 01/07 | Friday 03/07 | ||
10h00-11h00 | 15h00-16h00 | Jorge Lauret Extremally Ricci pinched G$_2$-structures |
Kotaro Kawai Deformation theory of deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills connections and deformed Donaldson-Thomas connections |
Shubham Dwivedi Deformation theory of nearly G$_2$ manifolds |
Slides | Video-Slides | Video-Slides | ||||
11h00-12h00 | 16h00-17h00 | Sergey Grigorian Smooth loops and loop bundles |
Lázaro Rodríguez Some questions apropos of Kirchhoff ’s theorem |
Alberto Della Vedova Chern-Einstein metrics on symplectic manifolds |
Video-Slides | Video-Slides | Video-Slides | ||||
12h00-14h00 | 17h00-19h00 | Break with discussion rooms | ||||
14h00-15h00 | 19h00-20h00 | Spiro Karigiannis Bryant-Salamon G$_2$ manifolds and coassociative fibrations |
Daniel Platt G$_2$-instantons on Joyce-Karigiannis Manifolds |
Umberto Hryniewicz Pseudo-holomorphic curves and applications to geodesic flows |
Video-Slides | Video-Slides | Video | ||||