
Double click on the Abstract links below for a short description of the content of each work.

Singular stochastic PDEs

    Regularity structures

  • Renormalised singular stochastic PDEs. With Y. Bruned. 16 pages, 2021. Locality for singular stochastic PDEs. With Y. Bruned. 14 pages, 2021. Abstracts

    Extended decorations on naturally decorated trees were introduced in the work of Bruned, Hairer and Zambotti on algebraic renormalization of regularity structures to provide a convenient framework for the renormalization of systems of singular stochastic PDEs within that setting. This non-dynamical feature of the trees complicated the analysis of the dynamical counterpart of the renormalization process. We provide a new proof of the renormalised system by-passing the use of extended decorations and working for a large class of renormalization maps, with the BPHZ renormalization as a special case. The proof reveals important algebraic properties connected to preparation maps.

    We develop in the second note the tools of regularity structures to deal with singular stochastic PDEs that involve non-translation invariant differential operators. We describe in particular the renormalized equation for a very large class of spacetime dependent renormalization schemes.

  • Random models for singular SPDEs. With Y. Bruned. 19 pages, 2023. Random models in regularity-integrability structures. With M. Hoshino. 32 pages, 2023. Abstracts

    We give in the first note a simple and short proof of the convergence of the BHZ renormalized model associated with the generalized (KPZ) equation.

    We prove in the second work a convergence result for a large class of random models that encompasses the case of the BPHZ models used in the study of singular stochastic PDEs. We introduce for that purpose a useful variation on the notion of regularity structure called a regularity-integrability structure. It allows to deal in a single elementary setting with models on a usual regularity structure and their first order Malliavin derivative. Here are some slides on this work.

    Renormalization of random models: a review. With M. Hoshino. 25 pages, 2024. Abstract

    This is a review of the works of Chandra and Hairer, Hairer and Steele and my work with M. Hoshino, on the construction of random models for singular stochastic partial differential equations within the theory of regularity structures.

    Quasilinear equations

  • Quasilinear generalized parabolic Anderson model equation. With A. Debussche and M. Hofmanova. Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: analysis and computations, 7(1):40-63, 2018. Paracontrolled calculus for quasilinear singular PDEs. With A. Mouzard. Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: analysis and computations,, 2022. Regularity structures for quasilinear singular SPDEs. With M. Hoshino and S. Kusuoka. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 248-127, 87 pages, 2024. Abstracts

    We present in the first note a local in time well-posedness result for the singular 2-dimensional quasilinear generalized parabolic Anderson model equation, where the Laplacian in the equation is multiplied by a function of the unknown. The key idea of our approach is a simple transformation of the equation which allows to treat the problem as a semilinear problem and use the elementary setting of paracontrolled calculus, with no need of any extra ingredient.

    An extension of the methods of high order paracontrolled calculus allows to use the approach implemented in the first note to study of a whole class of quasilinear singular PDEs, including a quasilinear version of the generalized (KPZ) equation.

    We prove the well-posed character of a regularity structure formulation of the quasilinear generalized (KPZ) equation and give an explicit form for a renormalized equation in the full subcritical regime. Convergence results for the solution of the regularized renormalized equation are obtained in regimes that cover the spacetime white noise case. Here are some slides

Euclidean quantum field theories

  • Φ43 measures on 3-dimensional compact Riemannian manifolds. With N.V. Dang and L. Ferdinand and T.D. Tô. 56 pages, 2023. Global harmonic analysis for Φ43 on closed Riemannian manifolds. With N.V. Dang and L. Ferdinand and T.D. Tô. 66 pages, 2023. Uniqueness of the Φ43 measures on closed Riemannian 3-manifolds. 21 pages, 2023. Abstracts.

    We construct the Φ43 measure on an arbitrary 3-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold without boundary as an invariant probability measure of a singular stochastic partial differential equation. Proving the non-triviality and the covariance under Riemannian isometries of that measure gives for the first time a non-perturbative, non-topological interacting Euclidean quantum field theory on curved spaces in dimension 3. This answers a longstanding open problem of constructive quantum field theory on curved 3 dimensional backgrounds. To control analytically several Feynman diagrams appearing in the construction of a number of random fields, we introduce a novel approach of renormalization using microlocal and harmonic analysis. This allows to obtain a renormalized equation which involves some universal constants independent of the manifold. We also define a new vectorial Cole-Hopf transform which allows to deal with the vectorial Φ43 model where the random field is now bundle valued.

    Following Parisi and Wu's paradigm of stochastic quantization, we constructed in the above work a Φ4 measure on an arbitrary compact, boundaryless, Riemannian manifold as an invariant measure of a singular stochastic partial differential equation. In this companion work we describe in detail the harmonic and microlocal analysis tools that we used. We also introduce some new tools to treat the vectorial Φ43 model. This relies on a new Cole-Hopf transform involving random bundle maps. We do not aim here for the greatest generality; rather, we tried to keep our exposition relatively self-contained and pedagogical enough in the hope that the techniques we show can be used in other settings.

    A Φ43 measure is constructed in the first work as an invariant measure for a dynamics on a distribution space. In the third work we prove that these dynamics have unique invariant probability measures. This is done by using an explicit coupling by change of measure that does not require any a priori information on the support of the law of the solution to the dynamics. The coupling can be used to see that the semigroup generated by the dynamics satisfies a Harnack-type inequality, which entails that the semigroup has the strong Feller property.

    Spectrally cut-off GFF, regularized Φ4 measure, and reflection positivity. With N.V. Dang and L. Ferdinand, G Leclerc and J. Lin. 11 pages, 2023. Abstract

    We argue that the spectrally cut-off Gaussian free field on a compact Riemannian manifold or on Rn cannot satisfy the spatial Markov property. Moreover, when the manifold is reflection positive, we show that the cut-off field fails to be reflection positive. We explain the difficulties one encounters when trying to deduce the reflection positivity property of an approximate Phi43 measure from the reflection positivity property of the Gaussian free field measure in a naive way. These issues are probably well-known to experts of constructive quantum field theory but no detailed account can be found in the litterature. Our note aims to fill this small gap.

  • Euclidean quantum fields as Wilson-Ito diffusions. With I. Chevyrev and M. Gubinelli. 8 pages, 2023. Abstract

    We introduce Wilson-Itô diffusions: a class of random fields on Rd that change continuously along a scale parameter via a Markovian dynamics with local coefficients. Described via forward-backward stochastic differential equations, their observables naturally form a pre-factorization algebra à la Costello-Gwilliam. We argue that this is a new non-perturbative quantization method applicable also to gauge theories and independent of a path-integral formulation. Whenever a path-integral is available this approach reproduces the setting of Wilson-Polchinski flow equations.

Rough paths

  • Flows driven by rough paths. Revista Matematica Iberoamericana, 31(3):901-934, 2015. Flows driven by Banach space valued rough paths. Séminaire de Probabilités, XLVI:195-205, 2015. Rough flows. With S. Riedel, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 71(3):915-978, 2019. On the definition of a solution to a rough differential equation. Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de Toulouse, 30(3):463-478, 2021. Abstracts

    My first work on rough paths proposes an alternative approach to the theory of rough differential equations centred on the notion of flow of maps. By introducing a simple mechanism for constructing flows on a Banach space from approximate flows, one can reprove from scratch and extend in a simple way the main existence and well-posedness results for rough differential equations, in the context of dynamics on a Banach space driven by (potentially) (in)finite dimensional Holder weak geometric rough path; Taylor expansion and Euler estimates are also dealt with. This approach is illustrated by some existence and well-posedness results for some mean field stochastic, with mean field interaction in the drift only. As a direct application of the approach, we show in the fourth work that it also works for equations driven by branched rough paths, and that Davie's notion of a solution to a rough differential equation and the notion of solution used here coincide.

    My approach to rough differential equation allows to extend to a non-semimartingale setting of the results on nonlinear differential equations and stochastic flows obtained in the 80's by Le Jan-Watanabe-Kunita and others, in the spirit of the method of approximate flows developped in my first work on rough paths theory. Here are some slides of a talk on the subject to get a quick overview of that work.

  • Unbounded rough drivers. With M. Gubinelli. Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de Toulouse, 25(2):795-830, 2016. Abstract

    We propose in this work a theory of linear differential equations driven by unbounded operator-valued rough signals. As an application we consider rough linear transport equations and more general linear hyperbolic symmetric systems of equations driven by time-dependent vector fields which are only distributions in the time direction.

  • Regularity of the Ito-Lyons map. Confluentes Mathematicae, 7(1):3-11, 2015. Abstract

    We show in this note that the Ito-Lyons solution map associated to a rough differential equation is Frechet differentiable when understood as a map between some Banach spaces of controlled paths. This regularity result provides an elementary approach to Taylor-like expansions of Inahama-Kawabi type for solutions of rough differential equations depending on a small parameter, and makes the construction of some natural dynamics on the path space over any compact Riemannian manifold straightforward, giving back Driver's flow as a particular case.

  • Rough integrators on Banach manifolds. Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 151:51-65, 2019. Abstract

    We introduce a notion of p-rough integrator on any Banach manifolds, for any p>1, which plays the role of weak geometric Holder p-rough paths in the usual Banach space setting. The awaited results on rough differential equations driven by such objects are proved, and a canonical representation is given if the manifold is equipped with a connection.

  • The inverse problem for rough controlled differential equations. With J. Diehl. SIAM Journal of Optimization and Control, 53(5):2762-2780, 2015. Abstract

    Together with J. Diehl, we tackled in the following work the elementary inverse problem. Is it possible to get back the driving rough path by observing the solution flow of a rough differential equation? The elementary example of an equation with constant vector fields makes it clear that this is not always possible. An elementary answer to the problem is given under the form of an algebraic rank condition on the driving vector fields and there brackets; it is unrelated however to Hormander's bracket condition.

  • Rough flows and homogenization in stochastic turbulence. With R. Catellier. Journal of Differential Equations, 263(8):4894-4928, 2017. Abstract

    We develop further in this work the theory of rough flows and show how it can be used to provide a conceptually simple approach to homogenization problems by working out in depth the case study of stochastic turbulence.

  • Random dynamical systems, rough paths and rough flows. With S. Riedel and M. Scheutzow. Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 262(12):5792-5823, 2018. Abstract

    The present work aims at being a first step in linking the theory of random rough differential equations and random dynamical systems. We analyze here common lifts of stochastic processes to rough paths/rough drivers-valued processes and give sufficient conditions for the cocycle property to hold for these lifts. We show that random rough differential equations driven by such lifts induce random dynamical systems. In particular, our results imply that rough differential equations driven by the lift of fractional Brownian motion in the sense of Friz-Victoir induce random dynamical systems.

  • Non-explosion for solutions of rough differential equations. With R. Catellier. Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de Toulouse, 79(3):721-759, 2020. Abstract

    We give here a tight non-explosion criterion for solutions of rough differential equations driven by unbounded vector fields that provide an accurate picture of this question and corrects an imprecise statement of my work "Flows driven by rough paths".

  • Solving mean field rough differential equations. With R. Catellier and F. Delarue. Electronic Journal of Probability, 25(21):1-51, 2020. Propagation of chaos for mean field rough differential equations. With R. Catellier and F. Delarue. Annals of Probability, 49(2):944-996, 2021. Abstract

    We provide in this work a robust solution theory for random rough differential equations of mean field type, with mean field interaction in both the drift and diffusivity. Propagation of chaos results for large systems of interacting rough differential equations are obtained as a consequence, with explicit optimal convergence rate. The development of these results requires the introduction of a new rough path-like setting and an associated notion of controlled path. We use crucially Lions' approach to differential calculus on Wasserstein space along the way. Slides here.

  • Young and rough differential inclusions. With A. Brault and L. Coutin. Revista Matematica Iberoamericana, 37(4):1489-1512, 2021. Abstract

    We define in this note a notion of Young differential inclusion and give an existence result for such a differential system driven by mildy rough signals. As a by-product of our proof, we show that a bounded, compact-valued, a-Holder continuous set-valued map on the interval [0,1] has a selection with finite p-variation, for p>1/a. We also give a notion of solution to the rough differential inclusion driven by an a-Holder rough path, with a set-valued drift. We prove existence of a solution to the inclusion when F is bounded and lower semi-continuous with compact values, or upper semi-continuous with compact and convex values.

Diffusions on manifolds

  • Large deviation principle for bridges of degenerate diffusion processes. Séminaire de Probabilités XLVIII, 2016. Small time fluctuations for Riemannian and sub-Riemannian diffusion processes. With J. Norris and L. Mesnager. Annales Scientifiques Ecole Normale Supérieure, 54:549-586, 2021. Diffusion in small time in incomplete sub-Riemannian manifolds. With J. Norris. Analysis & PDE, 15(1):63-84, 2022. Abstracts

    We prove in the first work that bridges of subelliptic diffusions on a compact manifold, with different ends, satisfy a large deviation principle in the space of Holder continuous functions, with a good rate function, when the travel time tends to 0. This leads to the identification of the deterministic first order asymptotics of the distribution of the bridge under generic conditions on the endpoints of the bridge, in the sense that its law converges weakly to a Dirac mass on some particular deterministic path from between the two endpoints. It is natural in that setting to push further the analysis and try and get a second order asymptotics. We prove that the fluctuation process around the deterministic limit path is a Gaussian process whose covariance involves the (non-constant rank) sub-Riemannian geometry associated with the generator of the diffusion. This requires that the pair of end-points lies outside some intrinsic cutlocus associated with the generator. The following slides provide a gentle introduction to that work. The work on small time fluctuations for bridges of sub-Riemannian diffusions requires that we extend Varadhan's small time log-asymptotics for the heat kernel to possibly incomplete, unbounded, sub-Riemannian manifolds. This is the purpose of the third work.

  • Kinetic Brownian motion on Riemannian manifolds. With J. Angst and C. Tardif. Electronic Journal of Probability. 20(110):1-40, 2015. Abstract

    In a joint work with J. Angst and C. Tardif, we introduce a Riemannian analogue of relativistic diffusions, called kinetic Brownian motion, whose flat version in a Euclidean space is a C1 random path run at constant speed κ, and whose velocity is a Brownian motion on the unit sphere run at constant speed σ. We show that, in both qualitive and quantitative way, that the trace in the manifold of these processes interpolate between geodesic and Brownian motions. We use rough paths theory to provide a simple and robust proof of this fact. We also investigate the long-time behaviour of these processes in rotationally invariant manifolds and determine their Poisson boundaries.

  • Kinetic Brownian motion on the diffeomorphism group of a closed Riemannian manifold. With J. Angst and P. Perruchaud. To appear in Ann. Sci. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa, (2024). Abstract

    It is an interesting non-trivial task to define kinetic Brownian motion on the infinite dimensional 'manifold' of diffeomorphisms, or volume preserving diffeomorphisms, of a given compact manifold M. This construction is done in the following work, and we prove that kinetic Brownian motion provides an interpolation between the geodesic flow on the corresponding space and a Brownian flow on that space. In the Eulerian picture, this provides an intrinsic random perturbation of Euler's equations of incompressible fluids in the domain M. Slides here

Relativistic diffusions

  • Poisson boundary of a relativistic diffusion. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 141(1):283-329, 2008. Where does randomness lead in spacetime? With A. Raugi. ESAIM P & S, 14:16-52, 2010. Abstracts

    In the same way as Brownian motion is the only continuous strong Markov process in the Euclidean space Rn whose law is invariant by the action of the isometries, there is essentially a unique way to define a C1 random path in the space of special relativity, representing the motion of an object having a speed less than the speed of light, and whose law is invariant by the action of the isometries of this space. The study of the asymptotic behaviour of this unique object, called "relativistic diffusion", is lead in these two articles using two different approaches. Whereas the first uses SDEs, stochastic calculus and couplings, the second (written with Albert Raugi) restates the problem in terms of the asymptotic behaviour of a random walk on a non semi-simple Lie group and highlights the deep geometric nature of the result.

  • A stochastic approach to relativistic diffusions. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, 46 (3):760-795, 2010. Abstract

    Following the idea of C. Chevalier and F. Debbasch presented in their article 'Relativistic diffusions: a unifying approach', J. Math. Phys. 49 (4), 2008, we consider a class of relativistic diffusions, roughly characterized by the fact that there exists at each (proper) time (of the moving particle) a (local) rest frame where the acceleration of the particle is Brownian in any spacelike direction of the frame, when computed using the time of the rest frame. These diffusions are called by the authors relativistic diffusions. A pathwise approach of these processes is proposed here, in the general framework of Lorentzian geometry. The results proved not only provide a dynamical justification of the analytical approach developped up to now, and a new general H-theorem, it also sheds some light on the importance of the large scale structure of the manifold in the asymptotic behaviour of the Franchi-Le Jan process, studied in the above articles in Minkowski spacetime. See the following slides for a quick overview of that work, and the latter ones for some general presentation of the domain, with questions.

  • Non-explosion criteria for relativistic diffusions. With J. Franchi. Annals of Probability, 40(5): 2168-2196, 2010. Abstract

    In so far as relativistic diffusions are defined in purely geometric terms, it is very likely that part (or all?) of the geometry of the ambient spacetime may be recovered from the probablistic behaviour of these processes. In a Riemannian setting, this probabilistic view on geometry is well-illustrated by Weyl and Pleyel formulas for the heat kernel of Brownian motion where local and global informations about the geometry appear. We investigate in this work one aspect of this geometry/probability correspondence. Dating back to Penrose and Hawking's results, it is now well-established that the appearance of singularities in Einstein's theory of gravitation is unavoidable under quite natural assumptions. Although there is no definitive agreement on what should be called a singularity of spacetime, a largely used notion of singularity is the existence in spacetime of incomplete geodesics. Is there a link between geodesic and probabilistic incompleteness? This work concentrates on one aspect of this question and provides different criteria under which the diffusion does not explode. A gentle introduction in the following slides .

  • A probabilistic view on singularities. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 52, 023520, 2011. Abstract

    The aim of this work is to promote the use of probabilistic methods in the study of problems in mathematical general relativity. Two new singularity theorems, whose features are different from the classical singularity theorems, are proved using probabilistic methods. Under some energy conditions, and without any causal or initial/boundary assumption, simple conditions on the energy flow imply probabilistic incompleteness. Also we introduce a probabilistic notion of spacetime boundary which has none of the pathological defects that the classical boundaries may have.

  • General relativistic Boltzmann equation. With F. Debbasch. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 29(6), 065020:1-10, 2011. Abstract

    Following classical works initiated by Tanaka in the seventies in the framework of the space homogeneous Boltzmann equation, we show how one can associated intrinsically to the general relativistic version of Boltzmann equation a Markov process. It is used to prove the causal character of the general relativistic Boltzmann equation on strongly causal spacetimes.

Smoluchowski equation

  • Sensitivity for Smoluchowski equation. Journal of Physics A, 44 245004, 2011. A stochastic algorithm for sensitivity in Smoluchowski equation. With M. Kraft, P. Man. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 48(3):1064-1086, 2010. Coupling algorithm for calculating sensitivities in Smoluchowski equation. With M. Kraft, P. Man and J. Norris. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 32(2):635-655, 2010. Abstracts

    Smoluchowski equation is a model of dynamics where clusters of different species coagulate at a rate depending on their characteristics. This model encompasses a large number of practical situations, from chemical reactions to powder storage... It is an important matter to understand how solutions of this equation depend on the parameters of the dynamics. The derivative of the solution with respect to the parameter is called the sensitivity. As a first step towards a detailled study of this dependence, I prove in this article that the measure-valued function representing the state of the system is a C1 function of these parameters, in a good space of measures.

    The second article is the numerical counterpart of the above one. The theoretical result obtained there suggests a Marcus-Lushnikov like particle system to approximate the sensitivity. Convergence of the particle system is proved and numerical experiments are performed, showing the great accuracy and low variance of the estimator.

    The third article presents an alternative method to simulate the sensitivity in which a coupled pair of Marcus-Lushnikov process is used to simulate two solutions to Smoluchowski equation with close parameters.

  • Spatial coagulation with bounded coefficients. Journal of Evolution Equations 11(3):675-686. Abstract

    I prove that the spatial coagulation equation with bounded coagulation rate is well-posed for all times in a given class of kernels if the convection term of the underlying particle dynamics has divergence bounded above by a negative constant. Multiple coagulations, fragmentation and scattering are also considered.


Exponential functional of Brownian motion. In this note, I give a short proof of a result of Dufresne on some exponential functional of a geometric Brownian motion.

KPZ identity. This note (not to be published) shows how to extend Benjamini and Schramm's one dimensional KPZ identity in a mutlidimensional random geometry of multiplicative cascades.

Habilitation work.

PhD work. My PhD work dealt with relativistic diffusions, especially finding the Poisson boundary of Dudley's diffusion in Minkowski spacetime.