CIMPA                                          UniversiteLibanaise                                                            AUF                                 IMU-CDC

  CIMPA research school

  Elliptic problems and applications in  geometry

Beirut, lebanon

February 24  - March 6,  2014

Version française

vue de jounieh

This CIMPA research school  will be organized at the  Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology (Hadath site of the Lebanese University) under the  auspices of the  CIMPA, the Lebanese University and  its Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology,. , the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie and the International Mathematical Union.  Interactions between analysis and geometry are of considerable importance in mathematics. The famous Yamabe problem and Perelman’s proof of Poincaré and Thurston’s conjectures, are remarkable illustrations of these interactions. The aim of this school is to provide an introduction to some of these topics, focusing on problems that are expressed in terms of elliptic equations. The first part of the school deals with two classical subjects : prescription of curvature and spectral geometry. These topics have a fairly long history, but are still subject of active research. We will provide participants with basic knowledge on these subjects before presenting some recent results and open problems. Thus, the school will begin with a general introduction to elliptic problems in Euclidean space and manifolds. Regarding spectral geometry, we will concentrate on bounded domains of the Euclidean space and Riemannian surfaces, so that only a basic understanding of Riemannian geometry is necessary. As for the prescribed curvature problem, it will be discussed in the case of compact surfaces so as to minimize the needed geometric prerequisites.The second part of the school is devoted to more specialized topics, such as quantitative isoperimetric inequalities and the geometry of 3-dimensional open manifolds. Approximately one third of the total activities of the school will consist of interactive sessions devoted to examples, exercises and numerical experiments. Short lectures will be also presented by young researchers.

Gérard Besson, Institut Fourier  Grenoble  

Bruno Colbois , Université  Neuchatel

Ahmad El Soufi, Université Tours

Aldo Pratelli, Université Pavia


Fida El Chami, Université Libanaise

Mohamad Cheaito,
Université Libanaise 

Farah Farah, University of  Balamand

Mohamad Mehdi , Université Libanaise 

Roger Nakad, Notre Dame University

Jihad Saab, Université Libanaise 

Mayada Slayman, Université Libanaise 



1. Variational methods for elliptic problems (8 hours) :  E. Humbert  (Univ. Tours),  abstract

2. Introduction  to spectral geometry (4 hours) : A. Girouard (Univ. Neuchatel) , abstract 

3. Bounds of the eigenvalues of the Laplacian on Euclidean domains and surfaces (6 hours) :       B. Colbois (Univ. Neuchatel), A. El Soufi (Univ. Tours) abstract

4. Quantitative isoperimetric inequalities, the isoperimetric inequality in Euclidean space, symmetrization of  Steiner (4 hours ):  A. Pratelli, (Univ. Pavia) abstract

5. Geometry of open manifolds of  dimension 3  (4 hours) : G. Besson  Institut Fourier, Grenoble) abstract

6. Prescribed curvature problem on surfaces (4 hours) : A.Fardoun (Univ.Brest)abstract

7. Heat Kernel on riemannian manifolds, (4 hours), A.Savo (Univ. Roma 1), abstract

8. Examples, exercices and numerical experiences related to courses 1 and course 6 (6 hours) :  R. Gicquaud (Univ. Tours),  

 9Examples, exercices and numerical experiences related to courses 2 and course 5 : (6 hours) :    R. Straubhaar (Univ. Neuchatel), A. Hassannezhad (Univ. Neuchatel),


The conference will take place at  the  Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology (Hadath site of the Lebanese University). Accomodation is on site.